KFO309 - The clinical research unit Virus Induced Lung injury

All News / Events

International Conference 2023

Start: Wednesday, 20 September 2023
End: Friday, 22 September 2023
UKGM Marburg, Auditorium

Progress Reports 2023

CIGL Seminar room
Date Projects

February, 3rd
12:30 - 14:30 h

P1 (Bauer/Weber)

P2 (Becker/Herold)

May 26th,
12:30 - 15:00 h

P3 (Ziebuhr/Kracht)

P5 (Vadász/Samakovlis)

early career report (Sara Völkel)

July 7th, 12.30 - 15:00 h

P6 (Morty/Friebertshäuser/Ehrhardt)

P7 (El Agha/Günther/Bellusci)

early career report (Irina Kuznetsova)

Nov, 17th,

12.30 - 15:00 h

P8 (Braun/Herold)

P10 (Sommer/Skevaki)

Z1 (Hain/Goesmann/




Unterstützen Sie uns ab dem nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt in Teilzeit (50 %) als 

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (m/w/d)  mit dem Forschungsschwerpunkt Lungenforschung 

Die Stelle ist Teil des Deutschen Zentrums für Lungenforschung (DZL), Disease Area Pneumonia and Acute Lung Injury und befristet für die Dauer von drei Jahren an der Professur für Innere Medizin, Infektiologie und experimentelle Pneumologie, Medizinische Klinik V am Fachbereich Medizin zu besetzen. Bei Vorliegen der tariflichen Voraussetzungen erfolgt die Vergütung nach Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-H. Das Projekt hat zum Ziel neue Ansätze für die Prävention, Diagnose und Therapie von schweren Lungenerkrankungen zu entwickeln, mit Schwerpunkt auf sekundären bakteriellen Infektionen.  

Weitere Informationen unter folgendem Link: https://www.uni-giessen.de/karriere/stellenangebote/ausschreibungen/wissenschaftliche-mitarbeiter/185-11

Two research groups at the Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) are currently accepting applications for part-time positions (65%) from May 1st, 2023 as a 
PhD student (m/f/d) in the field of Virology/Gastroenterology 
The positions are part of the collaborative project "Mechanisms of hepatic pathogenesis and carcinogenesis in Schistosoma mansoni/hepatitis B virus coinfection" and are to be filled on a fixed-term basis in accordance with § 2 WissZeitVG and § 72 HessHG with the opportunity for own academic qualification at the Department of Gastroenterology and the Institute of Medical Virology at the Faculty of Medicine. The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The salary is in accordance with the collective labour agreement of the State of Hessen (E 13 TV-H).



University of Giessen Award for DZL Scientist for Prof. Dr. Elie El Agha

Wednesday, 30 November 2022


Prof. Dr. Elie El Agha, Principal Investigator of the DZL, has been awarded the Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen Prize for his outstanding publication: “Two-Way Conversation between Lipogenic and Myogenic Fibroblastic Phenotypes Marks the Progression and Resolution of Lung Fibrosis”

For publication, see link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27867035/


DGAKI Forschungspreis 2022 for Chrysanthi Skevaki

Friday, 09 September 2022
The DGAKI Research Award of the German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI) is intended to honor particularly high-ranking scientific work (e.g. habilitation or equivalent) of the field. It is awarded every three years at the annual meeting of the DGAKI.
The DGAKI Research Prize was awarded on 09.09.2022 at the 17th DAK in Wiesbaden to: PD Dr. med. Petra Zieglmayer, Vienna and to our KFO309 member PD Dr. med. Chrysanthi Skevaki.