KFO309 - The clinical research unit Virus Induced Lung injury

All News / Events

Progress Reports 2020

ECCPS Seminar Room
Aulweg 130
35392 Gießen

Date Projects
Feb, 7th
13:00 - 15:00 
P1 (Bauer/Weber) and
P2 (Peteranderl/Becker)
May 29th,
13:00 - 15:00
P3 (Ziebuhr/Kracht) and
P5 (Vadász/Samakovlis)
Sept 25th,
13:00 - 15:00 
P6 (Morty/
and P8 (Herold/Braun)
Dec, 18th,
12:30- 14:00

P7 (Günther/Bellusci/El Agha), 
Z1 (Hain/Goesmann/

Second Funding Period for the KFO309

We are happy to announce that the KFO309 is funded by the DFG for a second funding period without any restriction for the next three years. We have one additional project now - welcome Natascha Sommer and Chrysanthi Skevaki who examnine the role of metabolic changes in T cell responses induced by viral infections that exacerbate COPD and emphysema in their P10 project.


KFO309 research on the cover of Pediatric Pulmonology

The KFO309 -(P6) -driven study on mouse strain susceptibility to hyperoxia, which was published in print form in the July issue of Pediatric Pulmonology, got both an Editorial, and the manuscript artwork also made the cover of the July issue of the journal.

Cover Pediatric Pilmonology

"PechaKucha" Award for Christin Müller

We congratulate Christin for 

the 2nd place in the "PechaKucha" Contest -

 for more detail click here (see page 7), and 

a Travel Award

at  the 31st International Conference on Antiviral Research May 12-15, 2019.

Travel grant to attend the EMDS-CFCD conference for Christina Malainlou

Christina Malainou
has been selected for a
CFCD-EFIS conference travel award of 500 euros to attend
the 2019 EMDS-CFCD
conference in Marseille

Margarida Barroso received an Abstract Scholarship

Margarida Barroso was chosen to receive
an Abstract Scholarship
by the
Assembly on Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology (RCMB)
for the 2019 ATS Meeting in Dallas TX for her abstact entitled
Mesenchymal Stem Cell Plasticity and Therapeutic Programming in Acute Lung Injury